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The Rolex Elegancia is a refined masterpiece designed for women who appreciate the perfect harmony of elegance and performance. This timepiece features delicate craftsmanship, timeless beauty, and a sleek design that complements any ensemble. With its flawless precision and luxurious appeal, the Rolex Elegancia is more than a watch—it’s a symbol of grace and sophistication for the modern woman.
Frame Material: Wood |
Seat Material: Wood |
Adjustable Height: No |
Seat Style: Saddle |
Distressed: No |
Custom Made: No |
Number of Items Included: 1 |
Folding: No |
Stackable: No |
Cushions Included: No |
Arms Included: No |
Legs Included: Yes |
Footrest Included: Yes |
Casters Included: No |
Nailhead Trim: No |
Weight Capacity: 225 Kilogramm |
Commercial Use: No |
Country of Manufacture: Vietnam |